“In Good Times and Bad Times, You Can Always Rely on Pakistan” —Exclusive Interview with Moin ul Haque, Pakistani Ambassador to China

“Every day living in China is a day of discovery,” Moin ul Haque, Pakistani Ambassador to China, told China Pictorial (CP) reporters during an exclusive interview. The past decade witnessed remarkable development of China and the improved livelihood of its people. The ambassador shared his opinions on how China has made these achievements and how Pakistan-China relations is moving forward.
CP: You have worked in many countries as a diplomat before you came to China. What impressed you most in China? And how do you comment on China’s development over recent years?
Moin ul Haque: I have been in China for two years and have traveled a lot. I’m very impressed by the scale and quality of China’s development over the years. Seeing is believing. So many things have impressed me, such as infrastructure. China is a world leader in highway and high-speed trains. It has connected different provinces, different cities, and remote areas, shortening the distance between people, opening up new avenues for people, and creating new jobs. It’s remarkable.
And secondly, the campaign against poverty is a miracle that 800 million people have been brought out of poverty in the last 40 years. It’s a model we need to adopt. It is a whole-of-the-nation and whole-of-the-government approach. Chinese people, enterprises, and government functionaries have all been involved. Many people have been sent on special assignments to remote areas to help locals come out of poverty, to train them in agriculture and e-commerce, as well as how to market their products.
I’m also impressed by China’s focus on environment. There is a strong focus not only at the top level but also down to the county level. The awareness about environment, climate change, ecology, rural revitalization, and preserving our surroundings is very important. There are also many technologies in which China is leading the world, and China uses them to build smart cities and smart industries. I can go on and on. Every day living in China is a day of discovery.
CP: What is the priority of your work in China? And what efforts do you make to promote Chinese people’s understanding of Pakistan?
Haque: The Pakistan-China relationship is very deep and wide, and we are cooperating closely in many areas, so my plate is full. In recent times, Pakistan and China have been focusing on economic relationship. Half of my time is spent on trade, investment, and agriculture, among others, to promote economic cooperation and bring new business opportunities to increase bilateral trade. China is already our largest trading partner. Last year, despite COVID-19, we saw a record increase in the bilateral trade. There is an ongoing effort of the two countries.
The second point is to improve the understanding of Pakistan in China. When I came to China, I established a social media cell at the embassy to focus on Chinese social media. We have opened accounts on many platforms, and I also have my personal accounts. On a daily basis, we promote not only the friendship but also Pakistan’s beautiful landscapes, tourism, and culture, trying to bring a better understanding of Pakistan in China.

March 21, 2021: The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and China Puppet Art Theater co-hosts a Celebration of Pakistan-China Civilization and Cultural Heritage through Puppetry and Related Arts, in collaboration with Rafi Peer Theater Workshop, at the China Puppet Art Theatre in Beijing. Photo courtesy of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in Beijing
CP: Pakistan and China established diplomatic relations 71 years ago. What is your comment on this all-weather friendship and all-round cooperation built over the years?
Haque: It’s a very unique relationship. Some expressions to describe this relationship are also very unique like “iron brotherhood.” Whenever I tell people in China that I’m from Pakistan, they would say “Ba Tie (巴铁)”. That’s a very unique expression only for Pakistan. In Pakistan, we say that our relationship is higher than the mountains, deeper than the ocean, sweeter than honey, or stronger than steel. This relationship is nurtured over the years by the successive generations of people and by the leaderships. The relationship is based on “four mutuals”—mutual trust, mutual respect, mutual support, and mutual cooperation, be it at the bilateral level or at the international level. It is very important for us to continue this strategic trust and strategic cooperation between our two countries, not only for the current generation, but also for the future.
In the current international environment when we are facing so many challenges, Pakistan and China’s deep rooted trust and respect for each other in cooperation can help us come out of these challenges together. Bilaterally, trade, technology, industry, culture, and education are important areas for cooperation. Bringing better understanding between our two peoples is also very important, so we need more people-to-people exchange. Stronger relationship between Pakistan and China is for the benefit of our two countries and our people. Pakistan will always stand with China. In good times and bad times, you can always rely on Pakistan.
CP: How do you evaluate the progress of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)? And what changes has this flagship project of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) brought to Pakistani people?
Haque: It’s a game changer for Pakistan. CPEC has transformed the economic landscape of Pakistan and upgraded Pakistan’s physical and communication network across the country. Pakistan has been facing energy shortage over the last many years, but under CPEC we have established a large number of new energy projects. There were clean energies like hydro, solar and wind, which helped alleviate energy shortage in the country. The social and economic development of Pakistan has also been greatly improved. In the CPEC phase-II, we focus on industry and agriculture, which is directly benefiting common people, creating jobs and upgrading remote areas. CPEC has not only helped Pakistan, but also promoted regional integration and connectivity.

On August 1, 2021, the launching ceremony of Pakistan Culture Tour Exhibition, Gandhara Smile and Pakistan Theme Day organized by Shanghai Cooperation Organization Demonstration Area and Pakistan-China Center was held in the city of Qingdao in eastern China’s Shandong Province. Photo courtesy of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in Beijing
CP: Cultural exchange and people-to-people bond are fundamental to the lasting friendship between Pakistan and China. What is your hope for bilateral relations in this respect?
Haque: Last year we celebrated the 70th anniversary of Pakistan-China diplomatic ties. We organized more than 140 events, which is unprecedented in the two countries. The majority of them were related to cultural or people-to-people exchanges. In the 70 years, we established 20 sister-city and sister-province relationships, and in the last year, just one year, we doubled that number. Another important thing is tourism. China is a beautiful and diverse country, and so is Pakistan. We can offer a lot to Chinese travelers. Last year we signed an MOU on tourism cooperation. The year 2023 has been designated as the year of tourism exchanges between our two countries. We hope that Chinese people would travel to Pakistan and Pakistani travelers will come to explore China.
CP: What roles do you expect Pakistan and China to play on multilateral platforms to ensure regional peace, stability and prosperity?
Haque: We are always supporting each other in the UN and other international platforms. I was ambassador to UNESCO before coming to China, so I have worked closely with my Chinese colleagues in these international institutions. President Xi has mentioned many times that we must work together to address the challenges facing the international community. Pakistan and China are cooperating at the international level because our cooperation and relationship is effective for peace and stability in the world. And Pakistan is a strong partner of China and the BRI. We have strongly supported President Xi’s Global Development Initiative. We are working together to help, not only each other, but the wider international community, especially the developing countries in meeting these challenges, be it the pandemic, or climate change, or extremism, poverty and hunger. All these areas require cooperation at the global level. Pakistan and China, being responsible members of the international community, will continue to work together to meet these challenges.