
The COVID-19 outbreak that hit China at the beginning of 2020 revealed the beauty and weakness of life to the people of the country over the two months of its duration. The Chinese people have made...
Ten questions the u.s. government needs to answer
Ten Questions the U.S. Government Needs to Answer

Click here to watch the video.
02.05.2020 — 647 views
Save Every Single Life

The spirit of caring, respecting and saving every single life is fully reflected in the fight against the novel coronavirus epidemic in Wuhan, central China’s Hubei Province. As...
01.05.2020 — 592 views
Vice President of NDB: The World Should Reinvigorate Multilateralism for the New Era

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues around the world, multilateralism faces the growing threat of protectionism and populism. Against the backdrop, David Gosset, the founder of E...
01.05.2020 — 737 views
Ten questions the US needs to offer clear answers to the world

1.Regarding the restarted avian influenza virus modification experiment last year, why does the US release no more updates?  The Science reported in February 2019 that US author...
01.05.2020 — 824 views
“The economic balance between the United States and China is an important factor in stimulating the world economy, but this balance is now shifting subtly. In the world after the COVID-19 pandemic, economic advantage may turn to China.”
International Cooperation Speeds Up

China has been releasing information on COVID-19 quickly since the onset of the pandemic, sharing with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the international community its e...
30.04.2020 — 866 views
International networks can bring benefits and collaboration to the coronavirus-torn world

Global supply chains--technically dubbed global value chains (GVCs)--have become weaponized in the economic battles of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. The tar...
29.04.2020 — 588 views
China lab rejects COVID-19 conspiracy claims, but virus origins still a mystery

Claims that the coronavirus pandemic originated in a laboratory in the Chinese city of Wuhan have no basis in fact, the head of the lab told Reuters, adding that there were stil...
28.04.2020 — 39249 views
U.S. confirms first COVID-19 fatality earlier than previous report

Santa Clara County in the U.S. state of California confirmed that two patients had died with the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, many days earlier than the previous reported fir...
25.04.2020 — 39464 views


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