20.11.2023 — 6985 views

A Journey of Discovery

On a leisure boat in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, Andrew David Field beamed upon hearing Pingtan, a traditional local folk music, performed there while passing stone bridges and white-walled buildings...
Biological Treasures in Mount Wuyi

“0701C009, Quercus myrsinifolia Blume.” “DBH (Diameter at Breast Height):15.1 meters; H (Height):18 meters; W(Width): 4x4 meters; L (Length): 15 meters.” This summer, more than ...
17.11.2023 — 6048 views
Ecological Relocation

Melons and fruits grow lushly in the greenhouses. Crops such as corn and sweet potatoes grow in contiguous plots in distant fields. Some residents enjoy chatting in the village ...
17.11.2023 — 5813 views
Marching Tigers

For Li Dongwei, a ranger at the Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park, the most exciting thing is to find the feces of Siberian tigers in the wild. He doesn’t mind the...
17.11.2023 — 5445 views
Experiencing Belt and Road Film Week

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative and also the 5th anniversary of the Shanghai International Film Festival’s Belt and Road Film Week. Five yea...
15.11.2023 — 5322 views
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China's State Council Information Office on Friday released a white paper on the policies of the Communist Party of China (CPC) on the governance of Xizang Autonomous Region in the new era. The whi...
【Video】Voice of the Belt and Road:Experts Share Wisdom

The BRI is playing a vital role in the peaceful coexistence of various countries, and introducing peaceful development to create an infrastructural development and various other...
18.10.2023 — 5500 views
Great Transformations in World History

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). This grand initiative, proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013, has contributed to a fairer ...
16.10.2023 — 5514 views
Rice field  1
Seeding Indonesia’s Future

"A rice grain can save a country or make it fall," noted Yuan Longping, a prestigious Chinese agronomist known for pioneering the development of the world’s first hybrid rice va...
16.10.2023 — 5384 views
BRI: A Path to Shared Prosperity

Rooted in history and serving the future, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) draws inspiration from the ancient Silk Road and connects the past, present, and future of the world...
15.10.2023 — 3929 views


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