As one of the first to rise to the challenges of the media revolution, Chinese literature is propelling world literature’s transition from print to cyberspace.
Female Powers in Film and Television

On March 8 this year, with guidance from the All-China Women’s Federation, Beijing-based online video platform Youku released the 2022 report “Women on Screen.” It showed that t...
13.04.2022 — 1514 views
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Chinese Inception

An ongoing exhibition in the Palace Museum presents the long history and cryptic profundity of Chinese civilization.
12.04.2022 — 1647 views
Building a Literary Community of Women

Ideal female writing features an intricate “nerve” network connecting women with men, women with women, humans with reality, and humans with nature.
12.04.2022 — 1162 views
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Olympic Art

Chinese artists seek to capture the dynamic power of the Olympics flavored by their unique understanding of the Olympic spirit.
02.03.2022 — 1986 views
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14.01.2022 — 1743 views

“We Ride Together”

The very first snow of the year in Beijing blanketed the capital in early November, creating an ideal prelude to the upcoming Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games. Many jumped at the unexpected chance...
Evolution of Modern Chinese Sports Architecture

Modern Chinese sports buildings have developed with unique vitality featuring an integration of both Western sports facilities and traditional Chinese structures.
22.12.2021 — 1257 views
Dynamic Beauty:Experiencing Natural Science Mysteries at an Art Exhibition

Natural paintings have become quite valuable both as works of art and documentation of science.
04.11.2021 — 1410 views
Civilizational Transformation for Biodiversity Conservation

Shifts in multilateral frameworks are needed for a civilizational approach to the conservation of biological diversity rather than complete reliance on the market.
03.11.2021 — 1333 views
Wangchuan Ceremony: An Intangible Cultural Heritage

Recognized as a shared heritage of China and Malaysia, the Wangchuan ceremony is a crucial channel for people-to-people exchange between the two countries.
03.11.2021 — 2300 views


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